MPA Mortar part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA)

mpa mortar

quality factory-produced
mortar since 1971



Factory-produced cementitious renders provide an attractive, durable finish to brick or block built walls.

The type of mortar used for rendering will depend on the background, type of wall and the exposure of the building. An undercoat and a finishing coat are generally required while in conditions of severe exposure, three coat work is recommended, with the first coat relatively impervious to water and the others more porous.

Renders also play an integral role in providing thermal insulation to buildings as part of external thermal insulation composite systems, often referred to as ETICS for short.

More information on ETICS is available here.

Data sheets

No. 4 Factory-produced mortar for external rendering

No. 14 Guide to best practice for external rendering

Information sheet

External thermal insulation composite systems using renders

MPA Mortar learning text

Part 12 Properties of rendering mortar

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